viernes, 24 de enero de 2014

Control Difuso tipo Mamdani de un modelo en Simulink. (Código)

Lineas de código implementado para el control Mamdani.


#define DATARCV 1
#define GAIN 1000
#define NUMBEROFDATA 191

//                                _______    |    ________
//                                       \  /|\  /
//                                        \/ | \/
//                                        /\ | /\           
//                                _______/__\|/__\________
//                                    -PAR1     PAR1
#define PAR1 40000  // Error Sets
#define PAR2 200   // Change Error Sets

#define NG -6000
#define NM -4000
#define NP -2000
#define ZE 0
#define PP 2000
#define PM 4000
#define PG 6000

int RULES[4][4]={{NG,NM,NP,0},{NP,ZE,PP,0},{PP,PM,PG,0},{0,0,0,0}};

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern"C" {

LDD_TDeviceData *PTR_ADC;
pointer PTR_Initialization,PTR_Main_Task;
short position;
int Error_Store[NUMBEROFDATA + 1],Change_Error_Store[NUMBEROFDATA + 1];
int SetPoint,Y,U = 0,Value,dU,MF1[3][2],MF2[3][2],Tnorm_min[9][2],Tnorm[4][2],Error,Last_Error,Change_Error = 20;
unsignedchar MatLab_Data[16],ConvertedValues[16],*ConvertedValuesptr,*AP_Data;

/* Use light weight Events */

/* Use light weight semaphores */
LWSEM_STRUCT semaforo;

/* User includes (#include below this line is not maintained by Processor Expert) */

** ===================================================================
**     Event       :  Initialization (module mqx_tasks)
**     Component   :  Task1 [MQXLite_task]
**     Description :
**         MQX task routine. The routine is generated into mqx_tasks.c
**         file.
**     Parameters  :
**         NAME            - DESCRIPTION
**         task_init_data  -
**     Returns     : Nothing
** ===================================================================
voidInitialization(uint32_t task_init_data)

_task_id Initialization;
Initialization = _task_get_id();
PTR_Initialization = _task_get_td(Initialization);
//Create event to Main_Task
//Create the fuzzification_task Task
_task_create_at(0, FUZZIFICATION_TASK, 0, fuzzification_task_stack, FUZZIFICATION_TASK_STACK_SIZE);       
//Create the norm_t_min_task Task
_task_create_at(0, NORM_T_MIN_TASK, 0, norm_t_min_task_stack, NORM_T_MIN_TASK_STACK_SIZE);       

//Create the maximum_task Task
_task_create_at(0, MAXIMUM_TASK, 0, maximum_task_stack, MAXIMUM_TASK_STACK_SIZE);       
//Create the defuzzification_task Task
_task_create_at(0, DEFUZZIFICATION_TASK, 0, defuzzification_task_stack, DEFUZZIFICATION_TASK_STACK_SIZE);
MatLab_Data[15]='\n';       //Escribe '\n' enultimaposicionpara leer primer dato
while(1) {


** ===================================================================
**     Event       :  Main_Task (module mqx_tasks)
**     Component   :  Task2 [MQXLite_task]
**     Description :
**         MQX task routine. The routine is generated into mqx_tasks.c
**         file.
**     Parameters  :
**         NAME            - DESCRIPTION
**         task_init_data  -
**     Returns     : Nothing
** ===================================================================
voidMain_Task(uint32_t task_init_data)
       _task_id Main_Task;
       Main_Task = _task_get_id();
       PTR_Main_Task = _task_get_td(Main_Task);
       int counter = 0;
while(1) {
       /*ConvierteDatosde MatLab a Entero*/
       Y = str2int(position,MatLab_Data); 
       /*Lee SetPoint*/
       /*Varibale Error and Change_Error*/
       Error = (SetPoint*GAIN) - Y;   
         Change_Error = Error - Last_Error; 
         Last_Error = Error;
       if (counter <= NUMBEROFDATA){
               Error_Store[counter] = Error;
               Change_Error_Store[counter] = Change_Error;
       /*PI incremental output*/
         U += dU;

** ===================================================================
**     Event       :  fuzzification_task (module mqx_tasks)
**     Component   :  Task3 [MQXLite_task]
**     Description :
**         MQX task routine. The routine is generated into mqx_tasks.c
**         file.
**     Parameters  :
**         NAME            - DESCRIPTION
**         task_init_data  -
**     Returns     : Nothing
** ===================================================================
voidfuzzification_task(uint32_t task_init_data)
int counter = 0;

while(1) {
       /*Membership Grade*/

** ===================================================================
**     Event       :  norm_t_min_task (module mqx_tasks)
**     Component   :  Task4 [MQXLite_task]
**     Description :
**         MQX task routine. The routine is generated into mqx_tasks.c
**         file.
**     Parameters  :
**         NAME            - DESCRIPTION
**         task_init_data  -
**     Returns     : Nothing
** ===================================================================
voidnorm_t_min_task(uint32_t task_init_data)
int counter = 0;

while(1) {

** ===================================================================
**     Event       :  maximum_task (module mqx_tasks)
**     Component   :  Task5 [MQXLite_task]
**     Description :
**         MQX task routine. The routine is generated into mqx_tasks.c
**         file.
**     Parameters  :
**         NAME            - DESCRIPTION
**         task_init_data  -
**     Returns     : Nothing
** ===================================================================
voidmaximum_task(uint32_t task_init_data)
int counter = 0;

while(1) {
       /*Ask for rules with same consequent*/

** ===================================================================
**     Event       :  defuzzification_task (module mqx_tasks)
**     Component   :  Task6 [MQXLite_task]
**     Description :
**         MQX task routine. The routine is generated into mqx_tasks.c
**         file.
**     Parameters  :
**         NAME            - DESCRIPTION
**         task_init_data  -
**     Returns     : Nothing
** ===================================================================
voiddefuzzification_task(uint32_t task_init_data)
int counter = 0;

while(1) {
         dU = defuzificacion(Tnorm);

/* END mqx_tasks */

#ifdef __cplusplus
/* extern "C" */


#define DATARCV 1

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern"C" {

uint16 ValueADC;
externint SetPoint;
externshort position;
externLDD_TDeviceData *PTR_ADC;
externunsignedchar MatLab_Data[16];
byte Error,RecvChrError,SendChrError;
externunsignedchar ConvertedValues[16],*ConvertedValuesptr;

/* Use light weight Events */

** ===================================================================
**     Event       :  AS1_OnRxChar (module Events)
**     Component   :  AS1 [AsynchroSerial]
**     Description :
**         This event is called after a correct character is received.
**         The event is available only when the <Interrupt
**         service/event> property is enabled and either the <Receiver>
**         property is enabled or the <SCI output mode> property (if
**         supported) is set to Single-wire mode.
**     Parameters  : None
**     Returns     : Nothing
** ===================================================================
       staticAS1_TComData *AP_BuffInput = MatLab_Data;
       staticint i=0;

             RecvChrError = AS1_RecvChar(AP_BuffInput);   //Recibedatode canal derecepcion
             if (MatLab_Data[i] == '\n'&& MatLab_Data[(i-1)&0xf] == 'U'){                                 
                    _lwevent_set(&lwevent,DATARCV);                //Habilitaevento DATORECIBIDO                                             
                    position=i;}                            //Guardaposiciónpara el apuntador
             if(!i)AP_BuffInput = MatLab_Data;

** ===================================================================
**     Event       :  AS1_OnTxChar (module Events)
**     Component   :  AS1 [AsynchroSerial]
**     Description :
**         This event is called after a character is transmitted.
**     Parameters  : None
**     Returns     : Nothing
** ===================================================================
                           while ((SendChrError = AS1_SendChar(*ConvertedValuesptr))!=ERR_OK);

** ===================================================================
**     Event       :  AD1_OnMeasurementComplete (module Events)
**     Component   :  AD1 [ADC_LDD]
**     @brief
**         Called after measurement is done, [Interrupt service/event]
**         is enabled, OnMeasurementComplete event is enabled and ADC
**         device is enabled. See [SetEventMask()] method or [Event
**         mask] property group to enable this event and [Enable]
**         method or [Enabled in init. code] property to enable ADC
**         device. If DMA is enabled , this event is called after the
**         configured number of measurements and DMA transfer is done.
**     @param
**         UserDataPtr     - Pointer to the user or
**                           RTOS specific data. The pointer is passed
**                           as the parameter of Init method.
/* ===================================================================*/
voidAD1_OnMeasurementComplete(LDD_TUserData *UserDataPtr)
       AD1_GetMeasuredValues(PTR_ADC,&ValueADC);  //Tomavalordel ADC
       SetPoint=(int)ValueADC*20/65000;          //Escalavalorde 0 - 20


//PROTOTIPO DE FUNCIONES===========================================================
//void int16toascii(int);
int str2int(int pos_actual, unsigned char MatLab_Data[16]);
int numpow(int,int);
void int2str(int,int);
void membership_grade(int,int,int,int);
void minimo(int MF1[3][2], int MF2[3][2], int RULES[4][4]);
void maximo(int Tnorm_min[9][2]);
int defuzificacion(int Tnorm[4][2]);

#ifndef FUNCTIONS_H_
#define FUNCTIONS_H_
#endif /* FUNCTIONS_H_ */


#define HIGH_SPEED  0
#define SPEED_OK 1
#define LOW_SPEED 2
#define STEADY_SPEED 1

#define GAIN 1000
externint Value,MF1[3][2],MF2[3][2],Tnorm_min[9][2],Tnorm[4][2];
externunsignedchar ConvertedValues[16];
//Funciónconviertecadenadedatos ASCII a entero.
//Parámetro 'posicion' eslaposición i delarreglodondeseencuentra el
//                     terminador \n.
//Parámetro 'MatLab[]' es el arreglo global dondese están recibiendo losdatos
//                     serial. Buffer circular de 16 posiciones.
intstr2int(int posicion, unsignedchar MatLab_Data[16])
short pos_actual,i;
unsignedchar *AP_Data;

pos_actual=(posicion-2)&0xf;                   //Determinalaposicion a enviaralapuntadorposicion-2 debido a 'U' y '\n'
AP_Data=&MatLab_Data[pos_actual];             //Enviaapuntador a posiciondelasunidadesdeldato a leer
Value=*AP_Data-'0';                           //Convierte ASCII a Decimal '0'= 30
while ( *(AP_Data=&MatLab_Data[(--pos_actual)&0xf]) != '\n'){      //Si el contenidoen el Apuntadordecrementadoesdiferente a '\n'
       if(*AP_Data == '-')Value = -Value;                             //Sidatoessignonegativo, entonces el datoesnegativo.
       else{Value=Value + (*AP_Data - '0')*i;                         //Si no sumardecenas, centenas y millares.
       i=i*10;}                                                       //Multiplicadordedecenas, centenas y millares.                 
return Value;

//Funciónconvierteentero a cadenasignada.
//Parámetro value es el valorentero a convertir
//Parámetro p es el numerodedigitosincluyendo el signodelnumero a convertir
//P. Ejemplo:   value= -12905 p = 6.
//El arregloquesemodificadebeserdeclarado global y debeserde dimension
//mínima p+2 lafunción no regresavalor.
voidint2str(int value,int p)
int Aux,i,n,r;
ConvertedValues[p+1]='\n';              //EscribeTerminador
ConvertedValues[p]='U';                 //EscribeTerminador
if (value < 0){                          //Preguntapornumeronegativo
       value=abs(value);                 //Hace el valorpositivo
       ConvertedValues[0] = '-'; //Colocasignonegativoenprimeraposicion.
       for(i=2;i<=p;i++){        //infierenumerocomenzandopor el massignificativo
Aux=numpow(10,(p-i));       //Llama a funciónnumpow
       for(i=1;i<=p;i++){        //infierenumerocomenzandopor el massignificativo
Aux=numpow(10,(p-i));       //Llama a funciónnumpow

//Funcioneleva 'num' a potencia 'n'
intnumpow(int num,int n)
int Aux,i;
if(n!=0)                                                    //Verificaquelapotencia a elevar sea diferente a cero
       for(i=1;i<=n-1;i++)Aux=Aux*num;         //Calcula el numero a lapotencia 'n'
else Aux=1;                                           //si n=0 entonces el resultadoes 1
return Aux;                             //regresaentero

/*Calcula el gradodemembresía según valor y parametros*/
/*Losparámetrosdefinentresfuncionesdemembresíatipo triangular*/
voidmembership_grade(int x1,int x2,int A,int B)
       #define LIMIT1 -100000
       #define LIMIT2 100000
       /*Universe 1*/
             if (x1 <= (-A) && x1 >= LIMIT1){
                    MF1[0][0] = GAIN*1; MF1[1][0] = 0; MF1[2][0] = 0;
                    MF1[0][1] = HIGH_SPEED; MF1[1][1] = WITHOUT_MEMBERSHIP; MF1[2][1] = WITHOUT_MEMBERSHIP;}
             if (x1 <= 0 && x1 > (-A)){
                    MF1[0][0] = GAIN* (-x1)/ A; MF1[1][0] = GAIN*(x1 + A)/A; MF1[2][0] = 0;
                    MF1[0][1] = HIGH_SPEED; MF1[1][1] = SPEED_OK; MF1[2][1] = WITHOUT_MEMBERSHIP;}
             if (x1 <= A && x1 > 0){
                    MF1[0][0] = 0; MF1[1][0] = GAIN*(A - x1)/A; MF1[2][0] = GAIN*x1/A;
                    MF1[0][1] = WITHOUT_MEMBERSHIP; MF1[1][1] = SPEED_OK; MF1[2][1] = LOW_SPEED;}
             if(x1 <= LIMIT2 && x1 > A){
                    MF1[0][0] = 0; MF1[1][0] = 0; MF1[2][0] = GAIN*1;
                    MF1[0][1] = WITHOUT_MEMBERSHIP; MF1[1][1] = WITHOUT_MEMBERSHIP; MF1[2][1] = LOW_SPEED;}
       /*Universe 2*/
             if (x2 <= (-B) && x2 >= LIMIT1){
                    MF2[0][0] = GAIN*1; MF2[1][0] = 0; MF2[2][0] = 0;
                    MF2[0][1] = LOWERING_SPEED; MF2[1][1] = WITHOUT_MEMBERSHIP; MF2[2][1] = WITHOUT_MEMBERSHIP;}
             if (x2 <= 0 && x2 > (-B)){
                    MF2[0][0] = GAIN*(-x2)/B; MF2[1][0] = GAIN*(x2 + B)/B; MF2[2][0] = 0;
                    MF2[0][1] = LOWERING_SPEED; MF2[1][1] = STEADY_SPEED; MF2[2][1] = WITHOUT_MEMBERSHIP;}
             if (x2 <= B && x2 > 0){
                    MF2[0][0] = 0; MF2[1][0] = GAIN*(B - x2)/B; MF2[2][0] = GAIN*x2/B;
                    MF2[0][1] = WITHOUT_MEMBERSHIP; MF2[1][1] = STEADY_SPEED; MF2[2][1] = INCREASING_SPEED;}
             if(x2 <= LIMIT2 && x2 > B){
                    MF2[0][0] = 0; MF2[1][0] = 0; MF2[2][0] = GAIN*1;
                    MF2[0][1] = WITHOUT_MEMBERSHIP; MF2[1][1] = WITHOUT_MEMBERSHIP; MF2[2][1] = INCREASING_SPEED;}

conjuntos, esdecirparalasreglasdifusas.
  PARAMETROS: MF1 y MF2 son losarregloscon el gradodemembresía*/
/*Modifica el arreglo Tnorm_min el cualdebeser global*/
voidminimo(int MF1[3][2], int MF2[3][2], int RULES[4][4])
       short i,j,k = 0;
       for(i = 0; i <= 2; i++){
             for(j = 0; j <= 2; j++){
                    Tnorm_min[k][0] = MF1[i][0] < MF2[j][0] ? MF1[i][0] : MF2[j][0];
                    Tnorm_min[k][1] = RULES[(MF1[i][1])] [(MF2[j][1])];

/*Funciónquerealizaoperación máximo paraconjuntosrepetidos
  PARAMETRO Tnorm_min es el resultadodefunciónminimo
/*Modifica el arregloTnorm el cualdebeser global*/
voidmaximo(int Tnorm_min[9][2])
short i,j,k = 0;
       for(i = 0; i <= 8; i++){
             if (Tnorm_min[i][1] != 0){
                    Tnorm[k][0] = Tnorm_min[i][0];
                    Tnorm[k][1] = Tnorm_min[i][1];
                    for(j = i+1; j <= 8; j++){
                           if (Tnorm_min[j][1] != 0){
                                  if (Tnorm_min[i][1] == Tnorm_min[j][1]){
                                        Tnorm[k][0] = Tnorm[k][0] > Tnorm_min[j][0] ? Tnorm[k][0] : Tnorm_min[j][0];
                                        Tnorm_min[j][0] = 0; Tnorm_min[j][1] = 0;

/*FunciónquerealizaprocesodeDedifuzificaciónpor método debarras*/
intdefuzificacion(int Tnorm[4][2])
int COG = 0,i,AUX = 0;
       for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++){
             AUX += Tnorm[i][0];
       for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++){
             COG += Tnorm[i][0]*Tnorm[i][1]/AUX;
       return COG;


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